Hobby: |
basketball and dancing and hangin out with friendsi enjoy ballin like the baller i am. long walks on the beach, duh! hanging with my homies... catchin a buzz. watching live music, spending Q.T. with my family. i like taking pictures & more importantly being in pictures. art=LOVE any & all forms: painting, make up, fashion, Etc. I love to shop - yep! 'til i drop. Yard sales are the shiii! Movies & music* partaking in the herb. swangin' on the swings, roller coaster rides, singin in my car the TOP of my lunggs, LAUGHiNG so hard I cry, takin photos, frost gatorade, getting flowers, sunshiine, stand up comedy, going to the movies, SHOES, good hair days, HAPPY HOUR!, day dreaming, good conversations, and thunder storms. |
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Leabeth is beautiful, sexy, completely comfortable in her sexuality, and fun to be around. She can be extremely hard to get a hold of, but she’s worth the effort. She’s got a dog that stays with her wherever she goes if that makes a difference to anyone. She’s PNP friendly. Typical two call system......Leabeth texts me the room and a “come over”....VIP’s read on. Non-VIP’s I highly recommend and have repeated.....
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After reading the other reviews of Leabeth, I decided to check her out myself and was honestly a bit disappointed. I don't know if I caught her on an off day or was expecting too much, but the experience was average at best and I probably won't repeat. VIP's read on.